
Our Humanity can feel anxious, too.

Posted on March 10, 2007. Filed under: awareness, body, brain, identity, Mind/Body, Self Awareness |

One of my virtual mentors, David Wood, wrote the following in a recent newsletter:

The Personal Touch

In the last ‘Create’ issue I shared about my ‘bump’ in India. After having ‘turned the corner’ I had a resurgence of energy in the form of anxiety/fear. Boy – talk about an invitation from the universe to take a look at yourself and your way of being!

With this ‘super sensitivity’ over the past month, I’ve learned I can’t get away with many things that used to work before such as – multi-tasking, thinking about all the things to do later today, and rushing. I’m learning to listen to my body, and to take care of myself and be really nice to myself. Come up against a belief “I should be able to heal myself on my own”, resistance to using medication, an image I’ve been holding onto of a “strong, secure, fun, smart, independent, solid man”, and my judgments about people who use medication or experience depression or anxiety. OK – I’m experiencing more of humanity! 😉

I’ve gone deeper into meditation and yoga, hired a nutritional counselor (no sugar, including fruit, sweetish vegetables, and most things you buy in a supermarket!), a homeopath, a therapist – all good stuff to explore what’s coming up, being present, watching the mind, and caring for this body.

Oh, and – I’m usually having an awesome time. I’m doing great. This week things are much more than ever coming into balance and feeling smooth. Much love, authenticty, and learning.

The journey continues…

Love David

David Wood is a personal and business coach, past chair of the ICF Publicity Committee, and founder of a global coach training school.

Copyright 2001-2007 Life Coaching


It’s interesting how many of us feel the need to be able to do it “all” ourselves—basically 
it comes down to expectations of perfection. (Whatever that means to each of us)  
I resonate with the idea that I should be able to “heal myself” by doing all the right things, 
and too, have found that I am not the all in all!  I need help and support to have all 
areas in life integrated.  That’s why I have a coach, a mastermind group, a physical 
trainer, a holistic AK chiropractor, etc.
I’m wondering if any of you feel the need to be super-human?  Do you have great 
compassion and lack of a judgmental attitude for everyone but yourself?


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Winning the Inner Game teleseminar

Posted on December 15, 2006. Filed under: body, brain, Encouragement, identity, Mind/Body, Positive Thinking, Self Awareness, self Image, Useful News |

Today we had our “Winning the Inner Game” teleseminar, presented by the Mediation Marketing Institute.  I neglected to tell you all about this event and I apologize.  Good news is that you can still sign up and receive the mp3 of the calls.  And yes, it will be calls–plural–because we had some technical difficulties and will have two recordings.  Also, we will be having the second part of our interactive teleseminar in January.  More on that later.  So click the above link to get signed up for this FREE resource and we will keep you posted.

One thing I really like about partnering with Kristina Haymes is that good mediators are very holistic and self aware.  What she values as a mediator fits in with our quest here at Interplay to explore the mind/bocy/spirit connections.  There is a lot of congruence with values and purpose.  It has been delightful for me to interact with these fabulous people going out to mediate the world’s problems.  Quite important work, imo.  Thanks to all you mediators!

 I haven’t posted much lately due to traveling and not wanting to be on the computer.  I was jogging on the beach quite a bit though and this past week went hiking in the beautiful mountains while our dog, Rocco, romped around in the snow.  So the computer just wasn’t calling me!

 How is everyone else doing?  Are the holidays a good time for your spirit or a difficult time?

 Peace to you,


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Coaching Corner: Waking Up

Posted on September 25, 2006. Filed under: awareness, body, brain, Brain Gym, Coaching Corner, development, Edu-K, educational kinesiology, ENNEAGRAM, identity, Mind/Body, Self Awareness, self Image |

            “Sara” doesn’t think she has anything to offer the world.  She’s unable to identify her strengths and gifts. She’s asleep to her 17 year old self in so many ways. Waking up to who you are—who God made you to be—at your core it isn’t easy.  We can’t just snap our fingers after saying “1, 2, 3 awake!”  This isn’t a fairy tale we live in.  But I wonder if we make it harder than we need to?  Maybe sometimes, we could be like children in a fairy tale—open to wonder.  Could this make it easier for us to wake up if we pretended we are children again to lock into that freshness of vision?  Could we shed our skins of apathy, of nihilism, or despair?  Can we even wake up without hope?  Do we wake up to hope?

            To wake up 1st we need to NOTICE we are asleep!


            We walk around like zombies most of the time.  Even if we are intellectually awake, we are not noticing what is going on in our bodies.  We have blocked out the intelligence of our bodies.  In the end, all this does is hurts us.  Body centered movement such as yoga, tai-chi, pilates, and brain gym can help us wake up, but only if we want them to.  As my sister summarized it, “using the body is like accessing the sub-conscious mind.”  This powerful intervention, using the body to access subconscious and physiological dimensions in tandem with the conscious mind, is much faster than processes that only access part of the system.  I have personally experienced this. 

                                    Of course, we can even be mindless and asleep during body-centered activities, not noticing what is happening.  Since, we are thinking creatures it is important to connect the body intuition with the mind (an interesting site on physical/emotional intelligence, although I haven’t experienced their work first hand.)  That’s one of the beauties of working with a program like Educational Kinesiology; it is an integrating process that wakes up the brain and body.  I didn’t notice how much I wasn’t noticing until I took a Brain Gym 101 class (you can go to for info on classes in your area).  And waking up is really about learning—learning to notice and be aware.


                                       We know how powerful movement is for learning.  How do kids learn the first five years of their lives?  Through movement, play and exploration. Obviously, this should not suddenly change with the entrance into kindergarten, but unfortunately with the recent push for “academic” kindergartens, children’s natural and most effective learning routine is stalled.  Developmental psychologists and most educators understand the importance of movement to learning.  It is developmentally appropriate as the saying goes.  But movement shouldn’t stop with our childhood.  Adults need to move to learn also.


                                      Think back to college and all those essays you had to write.  What worked when you had writer’s block for a big paper?  What woke up your creativity? Movement!  Professors recommended going for walk, jog or something to get the ideas flowing.  And guess what?  It actually worked.  Now we know why!  How dare we expect kids to sit through 6 hours of lecture a day with no time for movement and integration of the ideas being thrown at them? But, I digress…waking up is also a process of unfolding.


                                  I think that after I started working with yoga and educational kinesiology, it awoke me to other areas of my life that were asleep.  A friend, who is a spiritual director, turned me on to the enneagram as a tool for spiritual growth.  I have always been into personality “types” and theories—not in the boxing you in way, but to understand people better and thus, relate to people more completely.  These theories have something to teach all of us—even if it is just a tidbit.  But, none of them were transforming for me—until the enneagram.  Dealing with my unconscious motivators and what my “number” type is usually blind to has been most helpful.  In fact, it has been a very hopeful waking up experience. At times, it was depressing looking at my blind spots, waking up to my weaknesses.  But, for an optimistic “7” dealing with the nitty gritty is important to do.  I would rather avoid the ugly parts.  Waking up works though.  Now that I am awake to certain things, I notice them and can work on changing. I have woken up to hope by way of the despair.


If you have ways that work for waking you up into the fullness and truth of life, email me (my first name AT—this is for the autobots scrolling for emails…) or comment in this blog.  I would love to hear and share your wisdom with others. MH

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