Archive for March, 2007

Our Humanity can feel anxious, too.

Posted on March 10, 2007. Filed under: awareness, body, brain, identity, Mind/Body, Self Awareness |

One of my virtual mentors, David Wood, wrote the following in a recent newsletter:

The Personal Touch

In the last ‘Create’ issue I shared about my ‘bump’ in India. After having ‘turned the corner’ I had a resurgence of energy in the form of anxiety/fear. Boy – talk about an invitation from the universe to take a look at yourself and your way of being!

With this ‘super sensitivity’ over the past month, I’ve learned I can’t get away with many things that used to work before such as – multi-tasking, thinking about all the things to do later today, and rushing. I’m learning to listen to my body, and to take care of myself and be really nice to myself. Come up against a belief “I should be able to heal myself on my own”, resistance to using medication, an image I’ve been holding onto of a “strong, secure, fun, smart, independent, solid man”, and my judgments about people who use medication or experience depression or anxiety. OK – I’m experiencing more of humanity! 😉

I’ve gone deeper into meditation and yoga, hired a nutritional counselor (no sugar, including fruit, sweetish vegetables, and most things you buy in a supermarket!), a homeopath, a therapist – all good stuff to explore what’s coming up, being present, watching the mind, and caring for this body.

Oh, and – I’m usually having an awesome time. I’m doing great. This week things are much more than ever coming into balance and feeling smooth. Much love, authenticty, and learning.

The journey continues…

Love David

David Wood is a personal and business coach, past chair of the ICF Publicity Committee, and founder of a global coach training school.

Copyright 2001-2007 Life Coaching


It’s interesting how many of us feel the need to be able to do it “all” ourselves—basically 
it comes down to expectations of perfection. (Whatever that means to each of us)  
I resonate with the idea that I should be able to “heal myself” by doing all the right things, 
and too, have found that I am not the all in all!  I need help and support to have all 
areas in life integrated.  That’s why I have a coach, a mastermind group, a physical 
trainer, a holistic AK chiropractor, etc.
I’m wondering if any of you feel the need to be super-human?  Do you have great 
compassion and lack of a judgmental attitude for everyone but yourself?


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