creativity coaching

Coaching Corner: Tolerations

Posted on September 7, 2006. Filed under: ADD/ADHD, Coaching Corner, creativity coaching, Encouragement, ENNEAGRAM |

I’m starting a new section of this blog called “coaching corner” which will include entries that contain ideas I would tell my amazing coaching clients.  This way I can be even more eclectic!  Yep, that’s me, the eclectic enneagram 7…Now, on to our topic for today: getting unstuck

How would you like to wake up every morning exited about your day, full of anticipation of living your dreams?  How would you feel knowing that you didn’t even have to be in stuck mode?  You know what I mean by stuck.

            You have been meaning to do              (Fill in the blank) forever and just haven’t gotten around to it.   It is hanging the curtains, getting that article written, going to the gym, starting that healthy eating lifestyle.  It is whatever that exists in your life that you are tolerating.  The late Thomas Leonard named these particular energy drainers in our lives tolerations because we put up with them either actively or passively.  Just because you have tolerations in your life—undone projects, negative relationships, etc.—doesn’t necessarily mean that you are surely stuck.  It does seem that if your toleration list is long that the sheer energy drain can throw you into stuck mode in another area of life.  Could it be that because you are constantly putting energy into a toleration area in your life, you don’t have energy left for your dreams? 

            What is keeping you from living the life you want?  If your resources are available to you, what keeps you from using them?  Bad habits?  Start some good ones then.  Lack of time?  Adjust your schedule.  Everyone can find snatches of time here and there.  Work with someone to uncover your hidden time blocks (a coach, therapist, friend).  Lack of money?  This is a big issue for many people.  There are many programs and people that can help you change your spending habits and increase your income.

            There are practical tips galore to take care of any area in your life.  There is a self help book for any topic you can think of.  But, if you do not change the belief systems that are driving your behavior, you’ll end up in the same old place after a while.  One name for this is “limiting beliefs”.  Once you deal with your beliefs that need to be changed—and change them—you will have a different life.  (We will discuss limiting beliefs more in depth later on).

            So if you believed that you have worth and should be lovingly taken care of—truly believed this all the way through your core—would you treat yourself differently?  More lovingly?

I’m just asking.

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